As the COVID-19 situation develops, the preparedness and safety of our local community is top priority. Please visit this website and our social media for updates. Please check updates and review important health and safety resources from the following sources.
- Local: Santa Barbara County Public Health Department COVID-19 Information Portal
- State: California Department of Public Health COVID-19 Updates
- Federal: Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
- Global: World Health Organization - Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
- For the most up-to-date information on the coronavirus outbreak, visit coronavirus.gov to learn more about how to protect and prepare yourself and your community.
Public Safety Net Programs: Continue to receive healthcare, food assistance and in-home supportive services in a timely manner during the COVID-19 outbreak. Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order to extend the eligibility period for important safety net services. The order waives eligibility re-determination for 90 days for Californians who participate in these services: https://www.gov.ca.gov/2020/03/18/governor-newsom-issues-executive-order-to-protect-ongoing-safety-net-services-for-most-vulnerable-californians-during-covid-19-outbreak/
- Medi-Cal Health Coverage
- CalFresh Food Assistance
- You can now buy gorceries ONLINE at select retailers with your EBT card. CalFreshFood.org
- Cash Assistance for Immigrants
- In-Home Supportive Services
- Benefits.gov
- "Finding the Right Help during COVID-19 (coronavirus) Outbreak" In this article, you will find helpful information on government benefits such as; unemployment resources, healthcare coverage, and resources for businesses and families.
- For local social sector news and updates - Nonprofit Resource Network Santa Barbara
- For nonprofit and other business sector resources - Santa Barbara Foundation Nonprofit Resources
- SBC 211 Helpline - Call 211 or visit 211santabarbaracounty.org
- Food Bank: Expanding efforts to provide food, see link for more information on locations and times: https://foodbanksbc.org/get-help/
- Community Action Commission: Free senior meals (Age 60+). Call for more information. South: 805-964-8857 #1140 Mid/North: 805-925-3010
- Santa Barbara County Education Office: Food will be available for children under the age of 18 at school sites. For more information visit: https://sbceo.org/student-nutrition/
- United Boys and Girls Club: Brown bag free lunch for club members, pick up will occur at 12pm each day: https://www.unitedbg.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/letter-to-parents-coronavirus-scaled.jpg
- Family Resource Center Isla Vista Youth Projects: Food Pantry access by appointment, call 805-869-3303.
- Santa Barbara County ACCESS Line: Provides mental health services for those who are in crisis due to alcohol, drug, and/or mental health issues. Call 888-868-1649, available 24/7. For more information visit https://www.countyofsb.org/behavioral-wellness.
- Rental Housing Mediation Program - City of Santa Barbara: https://www.santabarbaraca.gov/services/home/rhm/default.asp
- Summary of Tenant Protections Under AB 832 - Tenant rights when facing evictions
- For legal help or advice, please contact Legal Aid (805) 963-6754
- Community Action Commission: Provides one-time utility assistance and home weatherization to qualified families, both owners and renters. Call for more information at 805-617-2897. Click here for application.
- South CA Edison: Temporarily suspending disconnections for customers unable to pay their bill due to COVID19 impact. Call 800-950-2356 or visit sce.com/billhelp.
- SoCal Gas: Providing support to residential customers by not suspending services and offering payment assistance. Small business customers may be eligible for a waived late fees. For more information call 800-427-2200 or visit https://socalgas.com/coronavirus.
- PG&E: Offer its most flexible payment plans to customers who indicate either an impact or hardship as a result of COVID-19. For a moratorium on disconnection services or for more information call 877-704-8470 or visit https://www.pge.com/en_US/about-pge/company-information/protective-protocols/covid19.page.
- AT&T: Provides flexible payment options for COVID19 impacted customers to keep service including cellphones, television, and internet running. Make payment arrangements by calling 800-288-2020.
- Bank of America: Offers personalized financial assistance through its Client Assistance Program and can be reached at 844-219-0690.
- CapitalOne: Customers affected by COVID19 may be eligible for assistance, which will vary on the type of product they have and their individual needs. For more information visit https://www.capitalone.com/coronavirus/.
- Chase Bank: Announced its efforts to help its customers affected by COVID19 and is encouraging customers to call a special care line at 888-356-0023 to discuss available hardship programs.
- Citibank: Customers affected by COVID19 may be eligible for waived fees, credit line increase, and some mortgage customers can be eligible for hardship programs. For more information visit https://online.citi.com/US/JRS/pands/detail.do?ID=covid19.
- COX: Due to the coronavirus crisis, increased access and speed is free for low-income internet service Connect2Compete. New Connect2Compete customers will receive their first month of service free. Additional support available for customers. Call 844-221-3930 or visit https://www.cox.com/residential/support/coronavirus-response.html?campcode=tnt-home-alert.
- Sprint: Offering payment options to qualified customers through its financial team to keep customers affected by COVID19 connected. Additionally GB will be provided at no cost. Call 888-211-4727 or visit sprint.com for more information.
- T-Mobile: Providing payment options for customers affected by COVID19. Customers can call T-Mobile Customer Care to discuss options at 611 from a T-Mobile device or 877-746-0909 from any phone.
- U.S Bank: Customers are encouraged to visit the U.S. Bank coronavirus webpage or contact a designated line at 888-287-7817 to speak with a customer service representative about products or customer assistance programs that may be available, including mortgage relief options. Visit https://www.usbank.com/splash/covid-19.html.
- Verizon: Offering flexible payment options and a “Promise to Pay” program for customers which can be set up in the My Verizon app or website, or available by calling 866-266-1445.
- Wells Fargo Bank: If in need of assistance, customers can call 800-219-9739 to speak with a trained specialist to discuss options available for their consumer lending, small business, and deposit products.
- Protect Yourself Financially from Coronavirus: Find resources to protect yourself financially during COVID19 at https://www.consumerfinance.gov/coronavirus/.
- Employment Development Department: The EDD provides a variety of support services (workers, caregiving, reduced work hours and self employed) to individuals affected by COVID-19 in California. For more information visit https://www.edd.ca.gov/about_edd/coronavirus-2019.htm.
- DMV: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) California law enforcement exercises discretion for 60 days in their enforcement of driver license and vehicle registration expiration dates beginning March 16, 2020. For more information visit https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/pubs/newsrel/2020/2020_12.
- California Taxes: More time to file, for California taxpayers affected by the COVID19 pandemic. Visit http://www.oesnews.com/more-time-to-file-pay-for-california-taxpayers-affected-by-the-covid-19-pandemic/.
- Price Gouging: It is illegal to increase prices, for more information on Price Gouging Law see PDF. To report call 805-568-2300 and file a complaint: English Form, Spanish Form
- The Economic Development Collaborative: Compiled list of resources available for employees and employers who have been impacted by COVID-19 at https://edcollaborative.com/covid19/.
More information will be posted as available.