We are grateful for the generous support of our donors. With these contributions, we have the ability to provide essential services and programs to our community.
Alexis De Tocqueville Society
Ordre de Connaissance
$500,000 - $749,999
James S. Bower Foundation
Hutton Parker Foundation
Santa Barbara Foundation
Zegar Family Fund
1 Anonymous Donor
Ordre d'Independence
$250,000 - $499,999
Audacious Foundation
La Societe Nationale
$100,000 - $249,999
La Centra-Sumerlin Foundation
Wood-Claeyssens Foundation
The Errett Fisher Foundation
Robert and Joan Hollman
The Natalie Orfaela Foundation, with Lou Buglioli
Maryan Schall
The Towbes Foundation
Yardi Systems, Inc.
2 Anonymous Donors
Ordre d'Egalite
$50,000 - $74,999
G.A. Fowler Family Foundation
Linked Foundation
Manitou Fund
Henry E. & Lola Monroe Foundation
June G. Outhwaite Charitable Trust
John Lewis and Carrie Towbes
Ordre de Liberte
$25,000 - $49,999
AGIA Affinity
Mr. Ralph Baxter
Deckers Outdoor Corporation
Roy and Ida Eagle Foundation
John and Susan Hanna
Lillian Lovelace
Montecito Bank & Trust
Nissenson Family Fund
Christopher Power
Tony and Kyra Rogers Foundation
Gerry and Bobbie Rubin
Santa Barbara Unified School District
Walter and Holly Thomson Foundation
United Ways of California
Kirt and Nicole Woodhouse
2 Anonymous Donors
Membres de la Societe
$10,000 - $24,999
Assistance League of Santa Barbara
Bank of America
Geoff and Polly Bloomingdale
Ron and Marlys Boehm
Ms. Julie Capritto
City National Bank
Rebecca T. and James P. Craig and Caroline and Edward Fisher
Bobbi and Paul Didier
Edison International
Hunter Foster, The Pacer Foundation
Greenfield Learning
Carol and Andrew Hammitt
Lily Hahn, The Lucky One Foundation
Terry and Ginny Holt, Full Circle Family Foundation
Jackie Inskeep
The Ann Jackson Family Foundation
Richard and Patricia Latham
Bob and Val Montgomery
Kevin and Ilda Nelson
Michael and Betty Noling
Mrs. C.W. Schlosser
Dr. and Mrs. James Tamborello
Union Bank
Volentine Family Foundation
Dana White
William E. Weiss Foundation
Leadership Circle
Gold Circle
$6,000 - $9,999
Aera Energy LLC
Atlantic Aviation
The Coeta & Donald Barker Foundation
Casa Dorinda
Deckers Outdoor Corporation
Ethel V. Dietrich Trust
Andy and Terri Dowen
Brian Johnson
Steve and Amber Ortiz
Richard Parsons Trust
Ken and Pat Thompson
United Parcel Service
Kate Ellen Walker Trust
1 Anonymous Donor
Silver Circle
$3,000 - $5,999
Brian Abercrombie
American Riviera Bank
Mrs. Cindy Antonucci-Ameen
Ugo Peter Arnoldi Family Trust
Deirdre Hade Arntz
Mr. Michael Beers
Donald and Terri Bennett
David and Louise Borgatello
Mr. Stephen Bowles
Bryant & Sons Ltd.
The Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians
Dorothy M. Chun, Ph.D.
Cottage Health
William and Renee Curtis
Damitz, Brooks, Nightingale, Turner & Morrisette, CPA's
Ben and Helen Daniel
Kent and Jill Englert
Tom and Doris Everhart
Mark Richard Gralewski
Mercedes L. Gutierrez Fund
Dr. Renee Harwick
Kayne Anderson Rudnick Wealth Advisors
John G. Kirk
Herbert and Gertrude Latkin Foundation
Lewis Greenwood Foundation
Lockheed Martin Santa Barbara Focalplane
Vicky MacGregor
Rosanne Marquis and Merlin Rossow
Susan Matsumoto and Mel Kennedy
Patrick McNulty & Betsy Collins
Art and Carolyn Merovick
Mona Miyasato
Lisa Moore and Kevin Meaney
Peter L. Morris, M.D.
Rosemary and Nicholas Mutton
Rick and Diane Nightingale
Johanna and Peter Preiswerk
David and Cristina Prichard
Raymond James & Associates, Inc.
Patrice Ryan
Rudi Schulte Family Foundation
Paul F. Sherman
Gary Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. David Spainhour
Spaulding Foundation
Warren and Mary Lynn Staley
Brett Tande
Grace Helen Thomas
Polly Turpin
Wells Fargo Bank
The Zia Group
1 Anonymous Donor
Bronze Circle
$1,200 - $2,999
Aaron and Nadine Gilles
Adam Thorn
Alan and Patricia Griffin
Alejandro Felix
Amie Parrish
Andria Kahmann
Anne and Michael Platoff
Anne Kratz
Anne Smith Towbes
Anthony Rogers M.D.
Automobile Club of Southern California
Barbara S. Beverly
Belle Hahn, The Little One Foundation
Ben Reese and Osnat Ben-Shahar
Betsy Brenner
Cara Williams
Caroline Rosen
Cathy C. Duncan
Chris and Kathleen Koeper
Christian and Maria Gardner
Christina Hackett
Christopher D. Harris
Cliff and Diane Lundberg
Corning Glass Microsystems
Cox Communications
Dan & Darcy Keep
Daniel and Myla Kato
Daniel P. Gullett
David L. Hamilton
Deborah A. Barnett
Dennis Forster
Diane B. Doiron, CLU
Diane L. Dodds
Dr. and Mrs. John Gainor
Dr. and Mrs. Peter MacDougall
Dr. Carol E. Genetti
Dr. Mary Jean Vignone
Dr. Peter Hasler
Dr. Philip J. and Mrs. Carolyn V. Wyatt
Ed & Leilani Price
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Forrest and Priscilla Mori
Fran Morrow
Frank and Laura Mejia
Frank and Nancy Sieh
George and Laurie Leis
Herb Geary and Kenneth Heeg
Janet A. Garufis
Jason Cheung
Jeff and Moira Pittman
Jeff Devine
Jennifer Jack
Jim and Marcia Wolfe
Jim and Sharon Lutz
Jing Wan
John and Christine Morrisset
John and Ruth Matuszeski
John and Sue Burk
John and Tina Feeley
John Crisman
Joni James Maiden
Jordano's Inc.
Joseph and Marilee Green
Joseph E. and Kathy Holland
Julie Lebourveau
Jump on the School Bus
Karen Sloan
Karl and Julie Willig
Karl Weis and Kristen Klingbeil Weis
Lama Dog
Lance Connor and Nancy Werner
Leo and Emiko Hamill
Linda Isabel Donato
Liz Lundquist and Doug Hamilton
Mario and Judith Borgatello
Mark Rodwell
Marshall H. Turner, Jr.
Mary Margaret Gross
Meredith Newcom
Michelle M. Taylor
Mick and Gina Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Darrin Eisenbarth
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Borgatello
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Pierre Fouque
Mr. and Mrs. William Cabeen, Jr.
Mr. Arturo Sanchez
Mr. Bernard Melekian
Mr. Christopher Burke
Mr. David Durflinger
Mr. David W. Ward
Mr. Gregory W. Mohr
Mr. Gregory Whitaker
Mr. James Esparza
Mr. James Parsons
Mr. Jesse Perez
Mr. Joseph Broome
Mr. Joseph Lawrence
Mr. Mark Gross
Mr. Mark Ryan
Mr. Matthew Kuiken
Mr. Omar Ortiz
Mr. Pedro de la Cruz
Mr. Peter J. Markiewicz
Mr. Phil Estabrooks
Mr. Richard Scott & Ms. Carolyn Laforce
Mr. Rick Valencia
Mr. Roy Azevedo
Mr. Roy Martinez
Mrs. Carolyn Robinson
Mrs. Catherine MaCaulay
Mrs. Lillian Phillips
Mrs. Tori Brumfield
Ms. Amy K. Luong
Ms. Annamarie Sharpe
Ms. Cynthia Seneriz
Ms. Elizabeth Kilb
Ms. Jean Rogers
Ms. Jessica Dove
Ms. Julia Roth
Ms. Kathleen Cruz
Ms. Kitty Ryan
Ms. Kristin Tufvesson
Ms. Laura Canfield
Ms. Lorna Steele
Ms. Lynn Conway
Ms. Mara Abboud
Ms. Pauline Bustillos
Ms. Sandra Viola
Ms. Teresa Johnson
Ms. Vicky M. McPhail
Ms. Vivian Goena
Nils and Sally Hendrix
Rajeev Bajaj
Richard Cousino
Robbie Faeh
Robert Freeman
Robert Lima
Ronald Rice
Sharon and Doug McKenzie
State Farm Companies Foundation
Stephen and Gail Humphreys
Steve and Jonna Wagner
Steve and Peggy Barnes
Steve Gaines
Steven and Marnie Pinsker
Susan and Rod Hersberger
Susan Roe-Peters
Suzanne Danielson
Suzanne Heller Brayton
Tom R. Shapiro
Tracy Bollag
Turner Medical Arts
Vicente and Maria Montes de Oca
Village Properties
Wendy Sims-Moten
Willie & Judy Brown
6 Anonymous Donors
Pewter Circle
$1,000 - $1,199
AT&T Wireless
Shauna Damitz Barrick & Scott L. Barrick
Mr. Jules Bender
Holly Benton
Victoria Bessinger
Thomas and Barbara Brashears
Mr. Mark Brown
Ms. Mary Burnham
Mr. Otis Calef
Ms. Jane Choe
Ms. Debra Collingwood
Ms. Jennifer Ferrick
Mr. Arturo Flores
Ina Frank
Ms. Mei-Ling Fry
Ms. Mary Furner
Mr. Miguel Gil
Ann E. Goodrich
Ms. Perri V. Harcourt
M. Kent Jennings
Steve and Alison Jordan
Lauren Katz
Mr. Franklin Keller
James and Elinor Langer
Ilan M. and Barbara G. Levi
Garry Mac Pherson
Mark & Alixe Mattingly
Lorraine McDonnell and M. Stephen Weatherford
Tina Hansen McEnroe
Douglas McMillan
Mr. Andrew Monostori
Samuel B & Margaret C Mosher Foundation
Carole Nevarez
Mr. Gregory W. Pels
Ms. Lanette Perry
Mr. Stuart Purnell
Joseph Roberson
Mr. Michael Romanovsky
Mr. John Ruiz
Mr. Roberto Sanchez
Mr. Reinhard Sandrock
Dr. Suzanne Savoy
Mr. Romeo Sequeira
Ms. Margaret E. Stallings
Judy Stewart
Mr. Lawrence Thomas
Dennis Thompson and Lois Phillips
Theresa Weissglass
Mike Weissman
Mr. Tony Winter
Susan and Bruce Worster
2 Anonymous Donors
Presidents Club
$600 - $999
Ms. Shelley Algeo
Ms. Rochelle Anthony
Maria Arellano
Mr. Luis Astorga
Mrs. Sandra Ayala
Ms. Jacqueline Baker
Ms. Laura Ball
Mr. Loren Barringer
Ms. Alma Bayquen
Ms. Kathryn Bazylewicz
Ms. Leesa Beck
Mr. Jed Beebe
Ron Biscaro
Ms. Nicole Blair
Ms. Christine E. Block
Mr. Albert Bolea
Ms. Marisa Bolton
Patricia Boucher
Mr. Julius Brown
Mrs. Dolores Cabatan
Derek and Theresa Carlson
Mr. Paul Casey
Caroline Castilla
Ms. Maria Charles
Shu Chuan Chen
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Coldren
Ms. Juliet Connor
Brian D'Amour
Ms. Elizabeth Davidson
Ms. Laura Davidson
Christopher Dawood
Ms. Adriana De Bruin Zidek
Maria De Guevara
Sheila de la Guerra
Ms. Lynne Dible
Mr. Eric J. Dodson
Mr. Brian Donovan
Mr. John Doyel
Mr. George Emverzo
Ignacio Esponda
Diana Estrada
Mr. Donnell Evans
Ms. Susan Farley
Ms. Jacqueline Farrant
Charles Faulding
Mr. Thomas Ferguson
Ms. Sheila Fink
Thomas Fisher
The Fund For Santa Barbara INC
Ms. Diamond Galarza
Ms. Angela M. Gallagher
Ms. Cathleen Garnand
Michael Gazzaniga
Bobby Georges
Mr. Mark Giroux
Katherine Godfrey
Ms. Karlene Goff
Mr. Arthur Gossard
Ms. Alejandra Greene
Mr. Jared Grode
Mr. Samuel Gross
Ms. Nicole Groves
Ms. Mary Hegarty
Ms. Marisol Hernandez
Ms. Elizabeth Hollen
Joann Hollingshead
Ms. Susan Johnson
Mr. Charles Jones
Mrs. Reyna Kaufman
Mr. John Kavanagh
Ms. Angela Kroemer
Lisa M. La Bouve
Mr. Peter Laraway
Mr. Michael Lewellen
Ms. Elizabeth Lopez-Richardson
Ms. Diane Mackie
Kelly McLaughlin in Memory of Joseph C. McLaughlin
Ms. Lisa Marasco
Ms. Danilyn McLaughlin
Justin Mendoza
Gayle Mercado
Mrs. Sally Messerlian
Mr. Jeffrey Milem
Mr. Ian Monsma
Ms. Andrea Moreno
Ms. Roya Nassirpour
Ms. Janine Neal
Ms. Jan Nederveen Pieterse
Mr. Scott Nelson
Chris and Tina Nelson
Kirsten Olson
Mr. Leon Olson
Erinn O'Shea
Ms. Stacie Ouellette
Ms. Deanna Panzarella
Ms. Lori S. Pedersen
Mr. Janette Pell
Ms. Jenna Perez
Mr. Leif Petersen
Ms. Christine Philbrick
Dolores and William Pollack
Mr. Eric Prieto
Ms. Kristin Quezada
Mr. John Reardon
Mr. Craig Rice
Mette Richardson
Mrs. Maribel Rodriguez Anaya
Gilbertro Rodriguez
Ms. Laura Romano
Russell and Sharon Rumberger
Sangham Foundation
Mr. Rae Sarcletti
Elda Schaffield
Ms. Kathleen Scheidemen
Ms. Penny Sharrett
Dr. George Singer
Mr. Richard Snoddy
Carlos and Yessenia Soto
Mr. Bruce Stevens
Mr. Thomas Stoddard
Lisa R. Tanore
Ms. Lora Taylor
Sharon Zoretich Terry
Kim Tesoro
Mr. Daniel Thomas
Ms. Mary Thompson
Mr. Robert Thompson
Carrie Topliffe and Frank Thompson
Mr. Alex Torres
Mr. Thomas Turner
Ms. Holly Urbanus
Mr. Zachary Wagner
Mr. Andrew Weinberg
Mr. John Wells
Ms. Kendra Wise
5 Anonymous Donors
Ambassadors Club
$180 - $599
Mark Abel
Mr. Massoud Abolhoda
Ms. Laura Achee
Mr. Nikolay Agladze
Mrs. Brianna Aguilar
Mr. Daniel Aguirre
Ms. Valerie Albitre
Ms. Linda Alexander
David and Elizabeth Alix
Natalie Alvarado
Ms. Celeste Andersen
Ms. Nora Antenore
Ms. Katya J. Armistead
Ms. Catharine Arnold
Mr. Jose Arreola
Mr. Jonathan Arsht
Mr. James Ashlock
Miss. Ashton
Ms. Laura Astorga
Dr. Tanya Atwater
Ms. Nancy Augustine
Bernadette Bagley
Mr. Ryder Bailey
Amir Bajraktarevic
Ms. Diane Baley
Ms. Finley Balma
Mr. Jose Luis Banez
Ms. Judith Barajas
Ms. Julie Barajas
Mr. Ralph Barbosa
Mr. Carey Barcelona
Mr. Kevin Barrett
Mr. Ember Bartsch
Mr. Brandon Beaudette
Mr. Jerome Becker
Ms. Nadia Bedolla
Mr. Christopher Bell
Arnold and Jill Bellowe
Irwin and Roslyn Bendet
Ann Bermingham and Mark Rose
Mr. Ron Bermudez
Ms. Silvia Bermudez
Mr. Mario Berumen
Mr. Michael Beyeler
Ms. Lina Bickel
Mr. Jose Bimbela
Ms. Cathy Binger
Ms. Christine Bischof
Mr. David Blais
Dr. James Blascovich
Mr. Thomas Bloominger
Ms. Yolanda Blue
Mr. Craig Bonner
Ms. Monica Booth
Ms. Ellen Borden
Ms. Yoana Botello
David & Teresa Bothman
Mr. Steven Botts
Ms. Heather Bouvier
Ms. Cynthia Bower
Ms. Amy Boyle
Mr. Vaughn Boyle
Ms. Susan Brady
Mr. Ramon Bravo
Ms. Kimberly Bray
Ms. Rachel Brian
Ms. Sherie Brinley Higgins
Ms. Giulia Brofferio
Bill and Donna Brown
Tevfik Bultan
Mr. Lesley Burkett
Mr. Jeffrey Burns
Mr. Stanley Bursten
Mr. Gabriel Cabello
Mrs. Angela Camacho
Mrs. Araceli Camarena
Ms. Shannen Camarena
Susan Campbell
Ms. Barbara Campos
Richard Campus
Mr. Onesimo Campuzano
James J. Cannella
Samira Carpenter
Ms. Maria Carrera
Tom and Donna Carvey
Ms. Carissa Cassells
Ms. Elizabeth Castaneda
Mr. Richard Castaneda
Rodney Caughell
Mr. Selim Celmeta
Ms. Tina Centeno
Ms. Tammy Centeno-Gheno
Mr. Eduardo Cervantes
Mr. Gopal Chakravarthy
Mr. Kai-lin Chang
Ms. Melissa Chappell
Cassidy Charles
Mr. Nazih Chibbani
Mr. Patrick Chu
Mr. Barton Clark
Ms. Gloria Clark
Robert Clark
Ms. Sarah Clark
Mr. Bobby Cobb
Ms. Devon Coleman
Mr. Jesse Colman
Mr. and Mrs. Concellos
Margaret and Joseph Connell
Mrs. Barbara Conway
Ms. Ana Cook
Mr. William Cook
Mrs. Jenny Cook-Gumperz
Ms. Judith Copanas
Ms. Leisa Cosentino
Adolph Costello
David Cova
Mr. Nestor Covarrubias
Ms. Laura Craig
Kimberly Crail
Mrs. Erin Cross
Ms. Malena Cruz
Maria and Anthony Dal Bello
Mrs. Beverly Daniels
Mrs. Carol Davidson
Ms. Angeline De Guzman
Ms. Susan De Marrais
Mr. Victor Debayona
Ms. Paula Deley
Ms. Kim Densmore
Ms. Gina Depinto
Ms. Jeannee Diaz
Marylu Diaz
Ms. Reyna Diaz
Zvonimir Dogic
Mrs. Nicole Dominguez
Ms. Victoria Dominguez
Ms. Maurene Donner
Ms. Patricia Dooley
Mr. Jeronimo Duarte
Ms. Norah Dunbar
Ms. Sarah Dunn
Thomas and Joan Dunne
Mrs. Pamela Easter
Mr. James Eaton
Ms. Rachel Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Darrin Eisenbarth
Mr. Marty Ensign
Ms. Jean Esparza
Ms. Patricia Esparza
Ms. Cathy Espinosa
Mr. Leslie Esposito
Eureka Restaurant Group, LLC
Mr. Bradley Eurick
Donald and Carole Eversoll
Ms. Rosalinda Farias
David and Deborah Farris
Mrs. Josefina Felix
Bill and Susan Ferguson
Mr. Erik Fields
Mr. Phil Fine
Ms. Lauren Fink
Carolyn and Andrew Fitzgerald
Mr. Damon Fletcher
Ms. Nicole Fodor
Ms. Mary Folsom
Mr. Sean Foster
Jessica Fougere
Fox Family Fund
Juan Franco
Mrs. Martha Franco
Leslie Frank, in Honor of Ina Frank
Ms. L. Tomiko Franklin
Jeff Frapwell
Mr. Clyde Freeman
Mr. Jerry Friar
Mrs. Daurice Frohlich
Ms. Kristina Gajardo
Mr. Dana Gamble
Mr. Christopher Gankas
Ms. Sandra Garbiso
Mr. Jorge Garcia
Ms. Juana Garcia
Mr. Tom Garcia
Carlos Garcia-Cervera
Ms. Tricia Garnica
Mr. Ramon Garza
Mr. Humberto Gastelum
Ms. Heather Gauld
Ms. Jasmine Gaytan
Ms. Elvina Geauque
Ms. Manuela Geiger-Kolbitsch
Ms. Andrea Geis
Scott and Dawn Gendron
John and Elizabeth Gerig
Mr. Bijan Ghaemmaghami
Ms. Judith Ghezzi
Mr. Trevor Gibson
Dr. Sally Gill
Natalija Glusac
Ms. Lourdes Godinez
City of Goleta
Mr. Ruben Gomez
Ms. Amanda Gonzales
Mr. Henry Gonzales
Ms. Laura Gonzalez
Ms. Helen Goode
Mrs. Carol Gordon
Ms. Vanessa Graeff
Ms. Vicki Graham
Ms. Katie Grande
Ms. Traci Green
Mr. Jeffrey Greene
Ms. Melinda Greene
Dr. Howard Gregersen
Lewis Grey
Ms. Ana Gridner
Mr. Kirk G. Grier
Ms. Christina Groppetti
Ms. Pamela Guenther
Ms. Andrea Gurney
Mr. Kyle Guthrie
Ms. Mary Ann Guthrie
Donna Haaf
Ms. Jaclyn Hahn
Ms. Laura Hair
Mr. Bruce Hale
Ms. Katie Hamdy
Mr. James Hamilton
Ms. Jill Haney
Dr. Jeffrey and Jane Hankoff
Ms. Tegan Hannah
Sherman and Rebecca Hansen
Ms. Carrie Harris
Jason Harris
Mr. Brian Hart
Mark Hartwig
Ms. Mary Hawkins
Ms. Lisa Heinrichsen
Ms. Helene Hellstern
Mr. Max Helmetag
Mr. Nicholas Henderson
Mr. Orlando Herrera
Simon Herrera-Gomez
Sheila Hess
Ms. Katie Hoegh-Guldberg
Mr. John Hofmann
Ms. Katherine Holmlund
Ms. Lauren Holstein
Ginny Holt
Mr. Scott Hooper
Kara Hornbuckle
Mr. Franklin Horton
Gabrielle Hott
Ms. Dawn Hovey
Mrs. Anne Hubbard
Mr. Robert Huhn
Jill Hurd
Nora Ineira Fierros
Ms. Nicole Ioli
George and Shari Isaac
Mr. Shigeaki Ishino
Stefanie Jackson
Ms. Renee Jaimes
Mr. Donald Janelle
Dr. Ali Javanbakht
Ms. Lynnette Jessop
Mr. Miguel Jimenez-Moreno
Ms. Rosanna Jimeno
Ms. Andrea Johnson
Mr. Eric Johnson
Mr. Bruce Jones
David Jones
Mr. Jeff Jordano
Ms. Teri Jory
Mr. Peter Juarez
Ms. Lois Kaplan
Ms. Claudia Kashin
Ms. Diane Kees
Mr. Patrick Kelsey
Mr. Robert Kendall
Dr. John Kennedy
Ms. Sara Kerr
Mr. Brian Kerstiens
Shawn and Edna Kiehn
Mr. Jonathan Killam
Ms. Carolyn Kincaid
Ms. Teresa Kistner
Ms. Marlene Klamt
Mr. Michael Klusyk
Crystal Knepler
Karen Knight
Ms. Mary Ann Korsten
Ms. Marsha Kotlyar
Ms. Katie Kriteman
Ms. Amy Krueger
Mr. Steven Kuehn
Ms. Lois Kulh
Mrs. Teresa Kuntz
Mrs. Diana Mina
La Arcada Investment Corporation
Ms. Jeanne La Berge
Ms. Kristen Labonte
Mr. David Lackie
Andre Lacommare
Ms. Monica Langhorne
Ms. Linda Laramee
Mr. Brett Larsen
Mr. Paul Larson
Van Latham
Mr. Mark Laurel
Mr. Shamus Lauter-O'Donnell
Mr. Garry Lawrence
Mr. John Lawton
Mr. F. Scott Lemere
Lauren Leonardo
Mr. Ira Levy
Dr. Donna Lewis
Peng Li
Ms. Pei-Te Lien
Mr. David Linzey
Ms. Shari Liu
Mrs. Jennifer Lofthus
Mr. Jose Lomeli
Ms. Teresa Lopes
Gabriel Lopez
Ivan Lopez
Jorge Lopez
Ms. Mercedes Lopez
Mr. Raymond Lopez
Ms. Cynthia Loustalot
Ms. Heather Lowry
Ms. Kim Loyst
Ms. Madeline Lozano
Ms. Linda Lucas
Mr. Robert Luria
Mr. Bruce Luyendyk
Mr. Robert Lyles
Mr. Steven Ma
Mr. Greg Macias
Ms. Lindsey Macias
Ms. Sally Macintyre
M. Magann
Mr. Stuart Magee
Mr. Christopher Mailes
Mr. John Majewski
Dr. Brenda N. Major
Mr. Michael Malengo
Ms. Angeli Mancuso
Ms. Kathleen Mansell
Mr. Joseph Manser
Mrs. Mekala Manus
Mr. Jose Marchan
Melinda Mars
Mr. Kevin Martinez Al Caraz
Ms. Cynthia Martinez
Ms. Kimbra-Lynn Martinez
Ms. Teresa Maus-Nisich
Georgina May
Mr. Paul Mazzetti
Mr. Christopher McAuley
Mr. Edward McConnell
Mr. James McCoy
Jeong Oh and Morrison McDavid
Ms. Frances McKinney
Ms. Lynn McLaughlin-Hill
Mr. Josef McLeod
Ms. Allysen Meijer
Mr. John Melack
Duncan and Suzanne Mellichamp
Ms. Julie Mendoza
Ms. Toni Mendoza
Ms. Irma Mera
Mr. Robert Mercado
Ms. Carmen Meza
Mrs. Kathleen Meza
Ms. Judith Milam
Ms. Barbara Milliken
Nancy Moctezuma Salinas
Ms. Kimberly Monda
Mrs. Arlene Montesano
Ms. Bryanna Moore
Ms. Kathryn Moore
Mr. Jerry Morales
Mr. Gilberto Moreno-Jimenez
Ms. Maria Munoz
Ms. Patricia Murguia De Gomez
Ms. Carmelita Murillo
Norma Murillo
Ms. Michele Murray
Mr. Andrew Myung
Mrs. Brenda Nancarrow-Garrison
Ms. Maria Nau
Mr. Martin Nava
Mr. Richard A. Navarro
Shelly Nayak
Mr. Jeffrey Neidorf
Ms. Joanna Nesgoda
Mr. Whitney Newland
Mrs. Kristi Newton
Don Nguyen
Mrs. Phuong Nguyen
Mrs. Lori Nicolaides
Ms. Sharon Nigh
Dr. and Mrs. Pierre Nizet
Mr. Mark Nocciolo
Northern Trust
Ms. Elyse Norton
Mr. Abad Ocampo
Mr. Brian Olmstead
Ms. Taryn Olson
Ms. Celina Ornelas
Ms. Janette Orozco
Marisa Arreola
Alex Overbey
Brad Overmyer
Lucille R. Owens
Mr. Christopher Padavick
Mr. James Parker
Mr. Daniel Parsons
Ms. Debra Patelzick
Mr. Juan Patino
Ms. Cathaleen Pavlovich
Ms. Ann Peak
Mr. Daniel Pedersen
Mr. Jay Pena
Ms. Colleen Pentecost
Ms. Araceli Perez
Ms. Barbara Perez
Ms. Tami Perez
Ms. Rose Petero-Hatmaker
Jeff Peterson
Ms. Leslie Peterson-Ayala
Ms. Amanda Petter
Dr. and Mrs. Larry Pfeifer
Mr. Kevin Pham
Ms. Michelle Phillips
Ms. Deborah Pichla
Ms. Jacqueline Pierce
Mr. Patrick Pigatti
Maddison Pina
Mr. Meliton Pineda Flores
Alex Pintor
Mr. Joseph M. Pisano
Arthur and Julie Pizzinat
Mrs. Nicci Plata
Ms. Mary Plowman
Deena Portell
Mr. Gaines Post
Mr. Matheus Priston
Ms. Carlene Prock
Ms. Aimee Proietty
Ms. Patricia Pung
Jack Rabuck
Mr. Chris Ramirez
Mr. Deivi Ramirez
Mr. Francisco Ramirez
Mr. Ignacio Ramirez
Ms. Lisa Ramirez
Ms. Mirella Ramirez
Mr. Ryan Ramirez
Ms. Stephane Rapp
Mr. Robert Real
Ms. Susan Reardon
Ms. Allison Reitz
Daniel Reynolds
Mr. Gonzalo Reynoso
Dr. Helen Rhee
Ms. Michelle Richardson
Ms. Anne Rierson
Mr. Randolph Rigby
Mr. Teodoro Rios
Ms. Kelly Rivera
Ms. Maria Rivera
Ms. Stephanie Rivera
Michelle Robertson
Ms. Leslie Robinson
Mr. Andrew Rodriguez
Ms. Gisela Rodriguez
Mrs. Isabel Rodriguez
Mr. Jose Rodriguez
Marisela Rodriguez
Adrian Rodriguez Ochoa
Mr. Sean Rohall
Mr. Gerardo Romo
Mr. Jose Rosas
Ms. Lisa Rothstein
Ms. Paola Rubio
Ms. Uma Ruffin
Mr. Mario Ruiz
Ms. Sarah Ruiz
Ms. Leila Rupp
Ms. Elaine Rymills
Mrs. Kimberly Sabedra
Mr. Ryan Sahlin
Percy Sales
Mr. Martin Sanchez
Mr. Byron A. Sandoval
Fernando Sandoval
Mr. Robert Sandow
Mr. John Sanger
Mr. Dana Saperstein
Ms. Gianna Sayre
Mrs. Patricia Sceales
Mr. Erik Scheer
Mr. Joshua Schimel
Ms. Paralee Schmechel
Mr. Jeremy Schmidt
Mr. Edward Schmittgen
Tami Schmittgen
Ms. Kelly Schon
Mr. Dale Seborg
Ms. Annamarie Sharpe
Ms. Deborah Shea
Ms. Carolyn Sheehan
Austyn L. Shepherd
Ms. Younghee Shim
Mr. Chris Short
Mr. Aaron Shorter
Timothy Siciliano
Ms. Farah Siersma
Mr. Patrick Silva
Mrs. Stacy Silva
Mr. Jose Silva Velez
Ms. Tamara Simmons
Ms. Cindy Simon
Ms. Kathleen Sizemore
Ms. Denise Sky
Mr. Skylar Slayman
Ms. Amanda Smith
Elizabeth Smith
Robert Jr. Smith
Carolyn and Steven Snyder
Rachel Solomon
Edward and Jane Sommers
Annice Spangler
Ms. Lynne L. Sparks
Ms. Kristin St. John
Ms. Jennifer Stemmle
Ms. Johanna Stevens
Ms. Anissa Stewart
Mr. Bruce Stewart
Mr. Kevin Stewart
Ms. Rhonda Stewart
Ms. Barbara Stoiber
Ms. Maria Story
Mr. Michael Stransky
Mr. Braden Stribling
Ms. Martine Surey
Mr. Jason Sweet
Mr. James Sylvester
Mrs. Cheryl Takahara
Ms. Cheryl Takei
Mr. Frederick Tan
Ms. Maricela Tanore
James Taylor
Mr. Mark Taylor
Shanna and Robert Taylor
Verta Taylor
Ms. Tamara Teitelbaum
Henry Thompson
Nathan Thompson
Ms. Sonia Thompson
Mr. Donald Thornton
Ms. Ruth Thurston
Ms. Olesya Thyne
Mr. Jack Tiethof
Dr. Ronald Tobin
Ms. Karla Torres
Ms. Yvonne Torres
Mr. Isaac Tufvesson
Megan Turley
Mr. Alexander Tuttle
Ms. Victoria Tuttle
Nathanael A. Twine
Mr. Erik C. Uchida
Mrs. Catherine Uhl
Unitarian Universalist Service
Ms. Irma Unzueta
Silvia Unzueta
Mr. Scott Uradnicek
Ms. Maria Urrutia
Summer Valente
Mr. Christian Van De Walle
Mr. Stephen Van Denburgh
Karen Van Gool
Ms. Rachel Van Mullem
Ms. Gina Van Steyn
Ms. Ruth Varner
Mr. Justino Vasquez
Mr. Raul Vasquez
Tamara and Seth Vaughan
Mrs. Ismelda M. Vazquez
Mr. Ulisses Velez
Noe Venegas
Mr. Henry Ventura
Ms. Fatima Venzor
Dr. Mary Jean Vignone
Mr. Anthony Villa
Mr. Crescencio Villafana
Ms. Dorine Villalpando
Ms. Marina Vogel
Ms. Chelsea Waiton
Ms. Norma Wall
Ms. Fanchon Wallace
Mr. Thomas Watson
Rick Weber
Ms. Lauren Weiner
Mr. Joel Weixel
Mr. Brad Welch
Ms. Isabel Wendt
Mr. Brian White
Candace White
Madison Whitmore
Mr. David Wieder
Ms. Elizabeth Wilding
Mr. John Willhite
Mr. Ray Williams
Mr. Chris Wilson
Ms. Constance Wilson
Mr. David Wilson
Mrs. Joy Winer
Mrs. Jennifer Wobig
Mrs. Marcia Wolfe
Mr. Kevin Wolfgram
Mrs. May Wong-Droese
Ms. Kristine Wood
Ms. Nancy Wooden
Helen Yan Chen
Dr. and Mrs. Henry T. Yang
Ms. Janie Yanos
Charles S. Young
Mr. Michael Youngdahl
Ms. Jennifer Youngs
Mr. Salvador Zambrano
Robert Katy Zappala
Mrs. Lola Zaragoza
Ms. Maria Zate
Mr. Anthony Ziuraitis
Mr. Vincent Zubas
Ms. Natalie Zurlinden
32 Anonymous Donors
Heritage Club
Jack & Dotsy Adams
Marilyn D. Anticouni, Esq
Dr. Ruth Appleby
Lucy M. Barr
Bartlett Pringle & Wolf
Michael & Jennifer Bergquist
Alma & Jules Bernheim
Robert Bernstein
Earl & Constance Bixby
Ross Bixby
Gladys Blakey
Joseph Bleckel
Ada-Marie Bowers
Glenn & Elizabeth Boyles
Tom & Barbara Brashears
Dr. Robert L. Brigden
Alberta F. Brown
Jeanne Brown
Rod & Becky Brown
Carolyn Chadbourne
Pearl Chase
Bill & Maylene Cook
Benjamin & Selma Cornet
Margaret Crunk
Earl & Merrilyn Damitz
Damitz Brooks Nightingale Turner & Morrisset, CPA’s
Suzanne de Marquette
Paul & Bobbi Didier
Ethel V. Dietrich
Diane B. Doiron, CLU
Margaret Donaldson
Wallace T. Drew
Robert & Jane Easton
Alison Duncan Egus
Peter & Bobbie Ellenshaw
Robbie Faeh
Lubomir & Wilhelmina Fast
Howard & Jean Fenton
Dorothy T. Flynn
Wilson & Julia Forbes
Dennis & Patricia Forster
Mildred C. Frisbee
Timothy & Linda Gamble
Judy Goodbody
Gordon E. & Ruth F. Goodhart
Marian J. Gore
Joseph F. Green, Esq.
Mercedes Lippencott Gutierrez
Dorothy B. Hall
Vera Hanshew
Ellen Harrison
David F. & Peg Hart
Robert C. Hecht
Cecil M. & Lois Gwen Hefner
Mary B. Hefner
Warren & Kay Hein
Dr. Ursula F. Henderson, M.D.
Aby & Stella Hervy
John C. Hubbard
Mike & Elena Johnston
Richard & Linda Johnston
Frank & Barbara Kelly
Arlen & Karen Knight
Mary Ann Kriebel
Florence Lamb
Shepherd Lee
Arthur & Edith Lenart
Daniel J. Liff
A. Myles Limburg
Harrison & Dorothy Lingle
Richard L. & Chiyoko Long
Charles Lucky
Madelon Gail Lucky
Gertrude Orcutt Mann
Anthony & Helen Marquette
Douglas & Marjorie Martin
Susan Matsumoto & Mel Kennedy
Tina Hansen McEnroe
Joseph B & Anita McGeever
Saul & Katherine Merritt
Paul Mershon
Phillip A. Morlan
Velma L. Morrell
Jere Nereter
Mike & Betty Noling
Steve & Amber Ortiz
Lucille Owens
Richard C. Parsons
Denise G. Passas
Adolf & Helen Pedotti
Charles Paul Pianfetti
Karen Anne & Peter Platt
Quentin L. Richard
William J. Roberts
Margaret Jacobs Ruth
Dick & Maryan Schall
Lewis & Mary Schellbach
Julie Schneideman
Michael G. & Ruth Siefe
Gene Estelle Siemon
David & Carolyn Spainhour
Charles & Alice Stearns
Patrick S. Steele
Jean S. Steinhardt
Walter & Mae Stern
Don & Katie Sweet
William & Lesley Sykes
Ernest J. & Ella C. Tag
Harry A. Talbot
Stuart & Mary Taylor
Neysa Turner
J. Parker Van Zandt
Dr. & Mrs. H. Wallace Vandever
Volentine Family Foundation
John & Suzanne Waldmann
Ferne Warren
Kate Ellen Walker
Sally C. Walker
Hathaway Watson
Harold Wayne
Klaus & Sophie Winkelmann
1 Anonymous Donor
For more information about our Heritage Club and planned giving programs, please visit:
Gifts In-Kind
$2,000 +
Bob and Val Montgomery
$1,000 - $1,999
Mara Abboud
Bryant & Sons Ltd.
Pedro De la Cruz
Jump on the School Bus
$500 - $999
Dr. Ronald Dinning, DMD
Dolphin Bay Resort
Evolutions Medical Spa
Montecito Firefighters Association
Renegade Wines
Santa Barbara Polo & Racquet Club
$100 - $499
Au Bon Climat
Celebration Cruises Santa Barbara
Dune Coffee Roasters
Fess Parker Wine Country Inn & Spa
Glen Annie Golf Club, LLC
Grassini Family Vineyards
Occhiali Fine Eyewear
Old Mission Santa Barbara
Patricia Noel Studio
PWY Fitness
Santa Barbara Beach Rides
Santa Barbara Inn
Santa Barbara Zoo
Summerland Beach Rides
Sweet Wheel Farm & Flowers
Valencia Orchids
YMCA Channel Islands
$1 - $99
Finney's Craft House & Kitchen
Island View Nursery
Jeannine's Bakery
Letter Perfect
Santa Barbara Sailing Center
The Painted Cabernet
Twenty-Four Blackbirds Chocolate
Villa Wine Bar
Susan Willis, LTD.
Fun in the Sun
$15,000 +
Edison International
Nissenson Family Fund
Santa Barbara Unified School District
Walter and Holly Thomson Foundation
Volentine Family Foundation
$10,000 - $14,999
Edison International
Nissenson Family Fund
Santa Barbara Unified School District
Walter and Holly Thomson Foundation
Volentine Family Foundation
$10,000 - 14,999
Assistance League of Santa Barbara
Lillian Lovelace
Bob & Val Montgomery
June G. Outhwaite Charitable Trust
William E. Weiss Foundation
$3,000 - $9,999
Agia Affinity
Bank of America
The Coeta & Donald Barker Foundation
City National Bank
Cottage Health
Deckers Outdoor Corporation
Kayne Anderson Rudnick Wealth Advisors
Herbert and Gertrude Latkin Foundation
Lockheed Martin Santa Barbara Focalplane
Merlin Rossow & Rosanne Marquis
Montecito Bank & Trust
David and Cristina Prichard
$1,000 - $2,999
Aera Energy
William & Deirdre Arntz
Atlantic Aviation
Geoff and Polly Bloomingdale
Casa Dorinda
Cox Communications
Damitz, Brooks Nightingale, Turner & Morrisset, CPA's
Bobbi & Paul Didier
Diane Dodds
John & Susan Hanna
Perri Harcourt
Susan Matsumoto and Mel Kennedy
Rick Scott and Carolyn LaForce
Rosemary & Nicholas Mutton
Steve & Amber Ortiz
Anne Smith Towbes
Union Bank
Village Properties
Jim and Marcia Wolfe
$1 - $999
Ms. Susan Aguilar
Mr. Brad Beal
Mr. Arturo Briceno
City of Goleta
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Gladstone
Susan and Rod Hersberger
Shawn and Edna Kiehn
Karen Knight
Anne Kratz
Merryl Brown Events
Tim & Cybil Nightingale
Chris Philbrick
Patrice Ryan
Alejandro Torres
Tamara and Seth Vaughan
Ms. Katherine Zappala