MARCH 24, 2020
When you feel helpless, you still have the power to do the most good. As we continue social distancing and self-quarantine, it’s natural to feel isolated. Fortunately, even in isolation, we can still help the most vulnerable among us.
Here are five things you can do to help in the face of COVID-19:
- Donate to the COVID-19 Joint Response Effort for Santa Barbara County. Your gift supports struggling individuals and families in our local community and the nonprofits who serve them. www.unitedwaysb.org/covid19
- Direct people to call 211 to get help. 211 specialists provide real-time information on social services and other resources to those in need. 211santabarbaracounty.org/covid-19/
- Spare something for the food pantries. As stores run out of bulk food and toilet paper, food pantries need assistance to fill their shelves. Consider donating what you can spare. https://foodbanksbc.org/get-help/
- Call your friends and family. Even during isolation, modern technology allows us to stay connected. Checking in on friends and family is essential in this time of uncertainty.
- Take care of your mental health. If you’re stuck at home, keep busy with hobbies and step outside for fresh air and exercise. You can’t take care of others unless you take care of yourself.
Even in these uncertain times, no one is powerless to make a difference. Small acts of generosity and compassion can change the course of the pandemic, bolster those facing economic challenges, and protect the most vulnerable in our community.