United Way of Santa Barbara County, Santa Barbara Foundation, and Hutton Parker Foundation led a countywide collaborative with members of the Foundation Roundtable to provide assistance to individuals and families as well as organizations actively engaged in assistance efforts for members of the community affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Individual Financial Need: Individual financial need to help struggling community members secure and maintain basic needs, cover unexpected child care and education expenses, and recover from loss of wages due to business closures and social distancing measures.
- Meeting Increased Service Demand: Organizations serving Santa Barbara County’s most vulnerable populations impacted by widespread shutdown of schools (child care, school supplies, loss of access to technology, food insecurity, transportation, mental health, etc.) and social distancing measures impacting places of employment (loss of wages).
- Operational Capacity and Business Continuity: Unrestricted funding enabling an organization to carry out its mission and adjust its business models to meet the needs of their staff and clients. These general operating support grants may be used to cover day-to-day activities or ongoing expenses such as administrative salaries, utilities, office supplies, technology maintenance, etc., as well as for project costs, capital, and technology purchases to provide alternative modes of service.
- United Way of Santa Barbara County will be providing grants to individuals for those disproportionately impacted by coronavirus and the economic consequences of the pandemic.
- Santa Barbara Foundation and Hutton Parker Foundation will provide grants up to $25,000 to nonprofit organizations serving all regions of Santa Barbara County.
- Organizations must be certified as tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or use a fiscal sponsor with 501(c)(3) tax status. Applications that do not contain a valid EIN (tax ID) number will not be considered.
- An agency acting as the fiscal sponsor on behalf of a community collaborative may be eligible to submit proposals on behalf of its own agency needs as well as the needs of the collaborative.
- Due to the very high number of applications received, we are not accepting new applications.
- The Ann Jackson Family Foundation
- Audacious Foundation
- Fund for Santa Barbara
- The Henry E. & Lola Monroe Foundation
- Hutton Parker Foundation
- James S. Bower Foundation
- Jane and Paul Orfalea
- Mosher Foundation
- The Natalie Orfalea Foundation
- The Muzzy Family
- Santa Barbara Foundation
- Santa Ynez Foundation
- The Towbes Foundation
- United Way of Santa Barbara County
- Wood-Claeyssens Foundation