At Aliso, there is a student named Katie. She is smaller than most students her age, and has severe food allergies. Last year, Katie was very shy. She would hardly respond when spoken to. Her mother said she was afraid to eat her lunch unless she packed it for her and assured her she would be okay. She would sometimes have to bring it to her during lunchtime. By the end of the program this year, Katie's mother said she noticed a huge change in her. She is much more confident in all areas. She packs her own lunch and knows how to manage her allergies. She is much more outgoing, talking to and playing with program leaders and students alike. Katie's mother also said her Service Learning presentation at Family Fun Night was the first time she'd ever spoken in public, and she did so confidently and with ease--no fidgeting or shyness. Her mother thanked her program leaders profusely for giving Katie a place where both she and her parents know she will be cared for and feel safe and happy for six weeks.